Chantal Brousseau, Elise Anderson, 2019-20 Fellows

Dr. Graham is pleased to announce that the GRF has been awarded to two outstanding History students, Chantal Brousseau and Elise Anderson. C [...]

Fred Wong, Winter 2018 Fellow

Fred Wong has been awarded the Winter 2018 Fellowship. Fred graduated in 2010 from the University of Toronto with an Honours Bachelor’ [...]

Jeff Blackadar, Fall 2017 Fellow

Jeff Blackadar has been awarded the 2017 Fall Fellowship. Jeff is a part-time student weaving his studies in history around a full-time job [...]

Kathryn Greenan – Fall 2015 Fall

Kathryn Greenan is the Fall 2015 Fellow! What struck me about Kathryn’s application was how, in her academic journey, she has embodied one [...]

Ryan Pickering – 2015 Winter Fellow

From the ‘better late than never files’, I’m pleased to report that Ryan Pickering has finished up his semester as a digit [...]

Kevin Deschatelets Selected for Partnership with Mozilla, Fall 2014

The fall 2014 fellowship position has been awarded to Kevin Deschatelets. Kevin will be working with Mozilla  as part of his tenure as Grah [...]

Introducing Hollis Peirce, First G.G. Graham Digital History Research Fellow

I am pleased to announce that the first George Garth Graham Undergraduate Digital History Research Fellow will be Mr. Hollis Peirce. Hollis [...]

Crowdfunding & Research

The process of crowdfunding to support these kinds of ancillary projects was recently profiled in the Globe & Mail Newspaper. “Sha [...]

Fellowship Funded

The George Garth Graham Undergraduate Digital History Research Fellowship was funded via a campaign on Carleton’s very own micro-finan [...]
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