The fall 2014 fellowship position has been awarded to Kevin Deschatelets. Kevin will be working with Mozilla as part of his tenure as Graham Research Fellow in the 14/15 academic year.
Have you ever wondered where the software you work with comes from? Internet browsers don’t just ‘happen’. They are the product of millions of hours of work. Sometimes, this is work done in house; but with Mozilla’s Firefox browser, it is the result of individual contributions from all over the globe. How do you write the history of an open source organization like Mozilla?
These are the questions that Kevin will be looking at as he works in conjunction with Dr. Graham and Jennie Rose Halperin from the Mozilla Community Building Team. He will be researching the tools available to create an interactive/immersive/dynamic and engagine timeline of the Mozilla organization, figuring out which tool will tell the history best. And then he’ll be writing it. The Fellow will also get to work with contributors and staff on the Web development team as well.